Internal ID: | 240017 |
Street: | Cajlanská |
City district: | Cajla |
City/Town: | Pezinok |
District: | Pezinok |
County: | Bratislavský kraj |
Category: | Objects |
Type: | Rent |
Object type: | Warehouse |
Ponúkame Vám na prenájom SKLADOVÉ PRIESTORY o výmere 175 m2 v mestskej časti Cajla, Pezinok. Areál je umiestnený v lokalite medzi rodinnými domami a preto je vhodný na skladovanie, tichá výrobná prevádzka, ako telocvičňa, a podobne. Možnosť parkovania 3 áut.
Hlavný sklad s výškou 4m má výmeru 136 m2. Príslušenstvom skladu sú 3 menšie miestnosti (kancelaria 16 m2, sklad 9m2, šatňa-kuchynka 13m2, toaleta 1 m2, spolu o výmere 39 m2. Ako bonus Vám ponúkame miestnosť o veľkosti 52m2, ktorá je v suteréne budovy. Do suterénu vedie okrem schodov aj pásový dopravník na prepravu tovaru. Suterén je vhodný na uskladnenie tovaru, pneumatík a podobne. Má zabudovanú vzduchotechniku na odvetrávanie.
Objekt má plastové okná, pvc podlahy alebo dlažba, vstup na bezpečnostný zámok. Je napojený na všetky IS: voda, kanalizácia, el. energia (220 a 380V) a plyn. Areál je uzatvorený zo všetkých strán, vstup cez el. posuvnú bránu, celý dvor má spevnené plochy z betónu a zámkovej dlažby a je vhodný na parkovanie áut. Objekt prešiel celkovou rekonštrukciou (výmena el. rozvodov a osvetlenia, nová strecha, zateplenie budovy, odizolovanie budovy proti vlhkosti spodnej vody).
Nájomné za skladový priestor: 700 Eur/mesiac.
+ 3 parkovacie státie: ZDARMA
+ Záloha na energie vo výške 100 -150 Eur/mes (voda, el. energia, plyn, vykurovanie kancelárie).
Pri podpise zmluvy je nutné zložiť kauciu vo výške 1x mesačné nájomné.
Prenajímateľ nie je plátcom DPH.
Neváhajte a kontaktujte už dnes nášho makléra a dohodnite si termín obhliadky, prípadne si vyžiadajte viac informácií! Kontakt: Mária CIllerová,, 0905881936.
Executive manager
My name is Mária Cillerová and I am pleased to meet you. I am the owner of a real estate agency and a real estate broker in one person. I try to create a family atmosphere for our 5-member team and for you. A place where clients will feel comfortable. Buying or selling process cannot be done in a cafe.
I confess, I'm a detail-oriented person. I think, organize, and plan. Each step is a strategy to a successful trade. I want to succeed, I want to help and to finish the work started with the best results. I wish that people would pass the process of selling and buying smoothly and without stress. I try to willingly help even where it seems complicated or impossible. A way will surely be found.
My previous work experience comes from the area IT, where for more than 20 years I provided quality services of implementing software solutions for small, medium and large companies. During those years, I was involved in sales, distribution, invoicing and customer relations management. I met many industries, countries, cities. I met a lot of people, experts and people's character. It was the best school forever. Well, after a few years, I felt that I need a restart. Something new to get me excited again. Work that you do not only spontaneously, but creatively. I needed a space where I wouldn't just sit in the office. A job where I will manage my time and I will have a time for work, family and hobbies.
And so, since 2013, I have been working in real estate. I admire real estate, my passion was interior design and homestaging (an underappreciated service, more info at However, the work of a broker is difficult. If you want to be an expert broker, you have to be an expert in real estate, you know the location, be a little bit of a psychologist, photographer, marketer, you have to know legal matters, financial matters, taxes, the construction industry. Legislation changes every year (Cadastral Act, Construction Act, GDPR, changes in finances, taxes, etc.), new technologies are developed constantly. There are new products on the market in marketing, real estate presentations, 3D video tours, and drone photography. And so, I constantly work on myself and educate myself. Fortunately, I enjoy education. I attended many trainings, seminars, conferences of the largest real estate associations of the Real Estate Union of the Slovak Republic and NARKS. In 2018, I received the RSc. degree, which is the highest education in the field of real estate, accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic. Knowledge they you learned when you were young is not enough. Knowledge they you learned 5 years ago is not enough. You need to educate yourself all the time.
My motto is: When a desire becomes a reality! And you move into your dream apartment or house. When you want to sell your property safely, smooth, and carefree. Because behind all sales process is people's satisfaction. People who will recommend me further because I gain your hearts with my work. Many of my clients are now my friends and conversely, many of my friends are my clients. They trust me because they know me and my work. You can recognize me too. Just contact me. It would be pleasure to meet you!