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Prenájom komerčných priestorov, od 27 m2 do 2200 m2, Röntgenova ul., BA - Petržalka

Internal ID: 210007
Street: Röntgenova
City/Town: Bratislava-Petržalka
District: Bratislava V
County: Bratislavský kraj
Category: Objects
Type: Rent
Object type: Offices
12 €/m2/month

Property description

Ponúkame Vám na prenájom komerčné a prevádzkové priestory Bratislava-Petržalka, Röntgenova ul.. Jedná sa o budovu postavenú v roku 2008, s celkovou výmerou 11 200 m2, ktorá prešla v roku 2020 rekonštrukciou spoločných priestorov a ponúka: 

- technológiu chladenia a vykurovanie pomocou tepelných čerpadiel využívajúcich podzemnú vodu
- individuálna regulácia teploty v každom priestore
- prirodzené vetranie cez otvárateľné okná, cirkulácia vzduchu bez prievanu
- dvojitá podlaha/floorboxy
- vysoko - záťažové koberce
- hliníkové exteriérové žalúzie
- serverovňa s chladením na každom podlaží

- zelené technológie
- obnoviteľné zdroje energie
- ekológia a energetická úspornosť
- dvojitá fasáda pre úplne odhlučnenie
- bezbariérový prístup
- podzemné aj vonkajšie parkovanie v počte 245 ks, 35 bicyklových státí
- bistro, kaviareň a letná terasa
- množstvo zelene v budove aj v okolí
- profesionálna bezpečnostná služba 24/7
- toalety na každom podlaží a v každej veži: 3 ks pre ženy a 3 ks pre mužov 
- spoločná kuchynka na každom podlaží

- plocha k prenájmu od 27 do 1600 m2 na 1 podlaží
- možnosť prenájmu na viacerých podlažiach
- zoznam voľných priestorov na vyžiadanie
- bezplatný návrh space planu navrhnutý architektom


Cena nájmu: 10,50 - 12 €/m2/mesiac

Energie: tvoria Spoločné prevádzkové náklady, Meraná el. energia - platba podľa spotreby)

Parkovacie miesto: 100 EUR/mesiac 
Ceny nájmu sú uvedené bez DPH. 

* Informácie k parkovacím miestam upresníme v čase obhliadky podľa aktuálnej situácie, nakoľko disponujeme vlastnými parkovacími státiami a zároveň aj miestami, ktoré podliehajú parkovacej politike mestskej časti Petržalka.  


partly re-made
Usable area:
1000 m2
Number of floors:
Number of rooms:
Energy performance certification:
Insulated object:

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Mária Cillerová, RSc.

Mária Cillerová, RSc.

Executive manager

  • Slovensky
  • Česky
  • English
  • rusr
  • sora
  • lrm
  • narks


I am an owner of  Real estate agencies, certified real estate broker, professional trainer and mentor all in one.

I founded my first real estate agency DESIRE REAL s.r.o. in 2013. Since 2018, I have also become the owner of DESIRE REALITY s.r.o., which do real estate service in the Austrian border region.

Trainer, auditor and mentor

Since May 2023, I have become a trainer of the Real Estate Union of the Slovak Republic (Realitna unia Slovenskej republiky), where I regularly lecture and teach other real estate agents to gain better knowledge in the field of renting. In addition to training real estate brokers, I also focus on educating participants in real estate processes, whether they are landlords or sellers or buyers. I offer my clients many years of knowledge and experience in specific real estate areas such as real estate auditing, real estate valuation or improving internal processes of companies focused on real estate activities or property management. I guide and educate both novice and experienced real estate brokers.

Certified Real Estate Broker

  • 2013   I obtained my real estate license in 2013 from the Real Estate Union of the Slovak Republic.
  • 2018   I achieved the career title of RSc., which is the highest education in the real estate field, accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic.
  • 2021   I obtained a LICENSE issued by the National Association of Real Estate Agencies of Slovakia and at the same time I obtained the CEPI Certification (European Association of Real Estate Professions).
  • 2023   I obtained the certificate of Professional Qualification from the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic

My motto is: When desire becomes reality! And you move into your dream apartment or house. When you want to sell your property safely and carefree. Because behind everything is people's satisfaction. People who will recommend me further, because I have won your hearts with my work. Many of my clients are now my friends. And conversely, many of my friends are my clients. They trust me because they know me. They know how I work. You can get to know me too. Just reach out to me. I look forward to meeting you.

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